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BTwin SS Jersey 320



Simple, effective and certainly won't break the bank

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Summer is just around the corner and some days it's already warm enough to wear just a short-sleeved jersey. The B'Twin Jersey 320 is a good option for those who want a classic, simple jersey that doesn't cost a fortune.

This short sleeve top from the house brand of French sports store chain Decathlon has all you need: simple styling; rear pockets; and a high collar. Oh and it costs just £14.99. Decent features for a jersey that costs less than a pair of most brands' mitts.

Admittedly the name doesn't roll off the tongue, but for a penny under £15 what's there to complain about? The jersey is made from 100% polyester which won't be ideal on longer, warm summer rides but for shorter spins it'll be fine. If you're looking for a jersey for commuting, then this could be it.

The 320 is predominantly black with a white band across the chest, on the collar and on the sleeve hem. There's also an option of white with a blue band. I rode the black version, but as you can see most of our pics are of the white/blue. A reviewer on Decathlon's website comments that the black version makes you look like a priest if you zip it up, so if you want to hear about other people's sins, that's the colour scheme to choose.

It's a basic design but for the price you wouldn't expect too much. The fit is relaxed rather than race tapered so offers room. There is half zip that allows for some ventilation, although it copes well with temperatures into the mid teens without making you feel too hot. Worn with a base layer the 320 has proven to be a more than adequate outer layer. At the bottom on the front you get a small B'Twin logo.

Another reason the 320 might not prove suitable for epic rides is there are only two rear pockets. Most jerseys have three, and sometimes that's only be just enough to stow all you may need. The pockets are on the outer sides and topped off with a white trim which gives a neat contrast on the rear of the jersey. They are deep enough to carry whatever you need without fear that it will fall out. To keep the jersey from riding up it is fitted with a gripper.

If you're in the market for a no nonsense jersey that doesn't break the bank, the 320 is it. It does the basics well and looks stylish enough to persuade people you paid more for it.


Simple, effective and certainly won't break the bank test report

Make and model: BTwin SS Jersey 320

Size tested: Medium, Black/White

Tell us what the product is for, and who it's aimed at. What do the manufacturers say about it? How does that compare to your own feelings about it?

A jersey that is both simple and effective. It offers a very cost effective way to look good on the bike.

Tell us some more about the technical aspects of the product?

The jersey is 100% polyester which on hot summer days probably won't stand the test of a long ride. You may well find yourself sitting on your own if it's very hot. However for short rides or commutes, perhaps worn with a base layer then the B'Twin could offer a very plausible solution.

Rate the product for quality of construction:

For £15 the quality isn't bad at all. What would you realistically expect for this price? There aren't many alternatives. The seams are unobtrusive and the jersey fits well.

Rate the product for performance:

Without the scorching summer temperatures to test in, the B'Twin SS jersey has proven to be a capable performer. On days when worn with a base layer and jacket because the heavens have opened it hasn't coped well with too much moisture. This leads me to worry how it would cope next to the skin as the only layer in hotter conditions. That and the fact it only has two rear pockets would be another possible problem for some.

Rate the product for durability:

The polyester has held up well, there are no concerns over seams or the zip.

Rate the product for weight, if applicable:

The jersey isn't heavy and wears well.

Rate the product for comfort, if applicable:

Again the jersey is easy to wear, no itching or scratching. It doesn't restrict movement and the gripper is effective at keeping everything in place.

Rate the product for value:

At £14.99 you can't go wrong.

Tell us how the product performed overall when used for its designed purpose

Perhaps the B'Twin is one of those jerseys that is worn as part of a layering system. On its own it struggles to cope with too much moisture and even though it is comfortable, on a long, hot day it would feel wet and potentially irritating.

Tell us what you particularly liked about the product

Looks good, functional and great value.

Tell us what you particularly disliked about the product

I suppose quibbling about the choice of material given the price is a bit harsh but the B'Twin does have a place.

Did you enjoy using the product? On the whole yes.

Would you consider buying the product? As a commuter jersey, very much.

Would you recommend the product to a friend? Yes.

Anything further to say about the product in conclusion?

Price wise you will struggle to match the value for money you get with the B'Twin. Performance isn't too shabby either but you will have to be a bit choosy in what you use it for. Don't expect supreme comfort on hot days but otherwise, not bad at all.

Overall rating: 7/10

About the tester

Age: 45  Height: 178cm  Weight: 80kg

I usually ride: Currently riding a Pinnacle Evaporite Three  My best bike is: As above

I've been riding for: Under 5 years  I ride: Every day  I would class myself as: Experienced

I regularly do the following types of riding: road racing, commuting, sportives, mtb, Not yet but looking to dip my toe in the world of TT


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banzicyclist2 | 10 years ago

I buy the cheap stuff for day-to-day commuting, Aldi is not bad. But it's nice to have some flash stuff for Sundays.  4

stan | 10 years ago

14.99? This little? what planet are you on? 20-25 at a push would be the maximum id spend on any form of sports top

As for ethical considerations,whats the point in whining about it?blame the lowlife factory bosses who do not ensure adequate safety provision and decent wages in these countries
Globalisation is a nasty evil business which has no ethics compassion or morality,profit is the bottom line,billions of people and animals suffer incalcuable hell everyday but moaning about a poor bugger in the UK who cant afford a 150 quid rapha is the argument of the smug well to do who probably has deep pockets but no idea of the poverty and declining standards of living of alot of ordinary folk in the UK

I had this argument with that bourgeoisie champagne socialist twat Peter Walker in the Guardian as he espoused the virtues of top end cycling gear,i pulled the bugger up over his elitist position in a fucking socialist rag and he took umbrage at my disgust of his apparent high salary and the fact i had no option but to purchase gear from sportsdirect in order to enjoy the fucking privilege of riding my bike just like him the fucking plantpot
The twat could not get his fucking middle class head around why most people do not earn 100k plus a year spewing drivel for his fucking coin in a fucking pseudo socialist phamphlet

I cant fucking help it if the 3rd world is a shithole,i can tell you now i have lived in shitholes all over the UK and not had enough money to buy a pint of fucking milk and a loaf of bread coupled with being beaten up by the local youths so dont talk to me abot fucking ETHICs and where these fucking shirts derive from,ive got my own fucking fight in order to survive on this fucking planet

So if fucking Btwin offer me a top for fucking 14.99 im going to buy it reguardless of the 'increasing concern' of consumers(the middle classes) of where their cloth comes from,i,you or any other bugger cannot do piss all about it,this is a sick world,always has been,always will be
take a dose of reality

pauldmorgan | 10 years ago

As it's becoming increasingly important to consumers in other clothing markets, how about including some information about where an item is made and anything you can find out about sustainability and ethical manufacture?

I do have worries about a garment that costs this little (similarly for the Aldi and Lidl 'bargains') although this could also apply to the more expensive brands if not manufactured outside of the EU.

Country of manufacture would be an easy thing to include (for all reviews) and there are sites with assessments of the ethical side that you could use (with a subscription).

Everyone loves a bargain but the cost can sometimes be different to the price.

parksey | 10 years ago

Yep, I don't mind the B'Twin reviews, in fact I've just bought the white/blue version of this top.

Not all of us are blessed with deep pockets and/or a lack of financial commitments which mean we can spend a fortune on our cycling gear, so I'm glad of the reviews of kit at the more affordable end of the scale.

As Dave said, if only other brands would follow suit in offering their products up for test.

Shamblesuk | 10 years ago

Am I the only one completely fed up with BTwin being almost every other product being reviewed? What's the fascination with this brand and why are they getting so much exposure?

dave atkinson replied to Shamblesuk | 10 years ago
Shamblesuk wrote:

Am I the only one completely fed up with BTwin being almost every other product being reviewed? What's the fascination with this brand and why are they getting so much exposure?

or, to put it another way (ie, the correct way), 6 out of the last 50 products. if i'm counting right.

they sent us a bunch of stuff to test. so we're testing it. we'll do that. other brands take note.

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